Catharpin, VA



Original Address: 29 Robin Drive, Catharpin, VA.  But due to re-addressing, the new address is 12004 Robin Drive, Catharpin, VA

Hometown Places:

        Places: Alvey's, Manassas Civil War Battlefields, Bull Run

        Schools: Tyler, Marsteller, Stonewall



Click on this photo for a much larger view.  Note: if you examine the larger photo, you'll see both horses, Minuet and the Pony, 1 (Panther - the black dog with the curly tail ? ) of what will be eventually 2 pets buried in the Pet Cemetery, the collie dog on bottom right of loop driveway; and of course John trying to kick his football over the garage roof.

Remember when....

1.  The "fire".  Basement catches fire and Fire Dept. come

2.  Fireworks.

3. Pool Parties


This is the view from Henry House Hill, looking north towards Catharpin.  The building in the center is the Stone House, which was used as a hospital.  The hill on the left is Dogan's Ridge and to the right is Buck Hill, beyond which was Matthews Hill, where Evans, Bee, and Bartow held off the advancing Yankees in the morning.  With increasing pressure, the Confederates fell back to Henry House Hill.

Stone House --  Wounded men sought safety in the Stone House.  As the Yankees fell back, their wounded in the house were taken prisoner.

The Stone House, shown in 1862 and 1998, was the center of fighting in both Manassas battles. In both cases, it was used as a hospital.

Right, above:  The Stonewall Jackson Monument at the Manassas Battlefield (1998). Nearby, a marker indicating where General Bee, who gave Jackson the nom de guerre "Stonewall", was killed.   See Photo on Left.


Bull Run --

Bull RunUnion troops headed for Sudley Ford, the Stone Bridge, and directly across Bull Run.  Confederate cavalry pursued but Union artillery fire and a false report of Union troops elsewhere kept Rebel infantry from pursuing.  The Confederates lost 2,000 men but gained confidence in themselves.  The Union lost 2,900 men, but more importantly it was now clear that the war would not be over soon.


Other links:  Civil War Battles in Prince William County, Virginia