Purcellville, VA



Official Town Site

Statistics & Facts

The population of Purcellville is approximately 3,144 (1999).
The approximate number of families is 746 (1990).
The amount of land area in Purcellville is 4.782 sq. kilometers.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers.
The distance from Purcellville to Washington DC is 42 miles. The distance to the Virginia state capital is 111 miles. (as the crow flies)
Purcellville is positioned 39.13 degrees north of the equator and 77.71 degrees west of the prime meridian.

Location  Purcellville location: nine miles west of Leesburg, Virginia in the heart of the Loudoun Valley. It is about 50 miles west of Washington, DC. Here is a map page for Purcellville.

History & History Related Items  A history page for Purcellville.  In 1764, Purcellville঩rst known settler, James Dillon came from Buckïunty, Pennsylvania. In the early 1800점urcelӴore was opened. The store also included a Post Office. Both were started by Valentine Vernon Purcell for whom the town was named.  The incorporation date of Purcellville: 1908